Saturday, May 26, 2012

Children's Books About Memorial Day

Weekly Trip to the Library

Memorial Day is an American national holiday that honors those who have lost their lives in military service on the last Monday of each May.

There are parades and ceremonies that can be reflective and somber. But,  most families enjoy having the bank and government day off from work by having barbecues and trips to the beach or lake house. Here are some great children's books to share with the children in your care about Memorial Day.

Memorial Day Surprise
By Theresa Golding, Alexandra Artigas (Illustrator)

A mother tells her son that there is a "big surprise" at the Memorial Day Celebration. As the boy watches the parade, he asks if each part of the parade is the "surprise" - from the marching band, to waving flags, to children riding their bikes with red, white and blue streamers, and to firefighters in their truck. Mother always tells him that the real surprise is even more special. At the end of the parade, people stand and applaud. The boy then sees his grandfather, a veteran, being pushed in a wheelchair. His surprise is realizing that his grandfather is a hero.

The Wall
By Eve Bunting, Ronald Himler (Illustrator)

A young boy and his father visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to find Grandpa's name. What makes "The Wall" so moving is that instead of answering questions it will get children to ask them. A great book to open discussion with the class about war and it's consequences.

Let's Get Ready for Memorial Day
By Lloyd G. Douglas

A girl's class prepares for Memorial Day by learning about the holiday from their teacher and making flags, and later she goes to a war memorial with her father to honor those who died.

Do you have a favorite book you want to share with nannies and au pairs? Simply email with your suggestion. Stop by next Saturday for another Weekly Trip to the Library.

1 comment:

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